Alyssa · Caramel · Doll House · Emily · Kristen · Marisol · Molly · Pets

The Hustle and Bustle of a Doll House

Whew having dolls in the house can be a hustle and bustle!! Let’s see whats going on right now in the doll house!! πŸ™‚
Active 1

First off I recently found a a little kitty perfectly doll sized her name is Caramel!! πŸ™‚

active 3

I’m open!!!! i’m open!!!!!!!!! Through it Molly c’mon!!
active 2

All right her I go screamed Molly!!!!

active 4

*snore* snore* And how is Alyssa napping through all of this I don’t know.

active 6

NO!!! That G not A get it right. (in case you haven’t noticed Emily is attempting to teach Kristen how to play the guitar)

Active 8

Meow and Carmel going for the touchdown!!

The End

As you can see the dolls are very active and having a fun filled day!! πŸ™‚

Happy Blogging

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