
Sick in Bed *Part 1*

Hello lovely likers,followers, viewers, and all of you! πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by..! Now I know I haven’t posted much and I’m really sorry! I’ve been SUPER busy! Papers to write, homework, softball, and normal stuff in general! I haven’t as much time to blog! But I’ll try to still get up 3 or 4 posts a week! πŸ™‚ Comment below with any ideas of new posts! I love to hear your suggestions! Now on with the show!

Emily’s POV


I was laying in bed sleeping! When I felt a fuzzy paw bat my face. “Get off Cinnamon…” I say to my siamese kitty!


I snatch my phone from my nightstand and then burst into a fit of uncontrollable coughing..


“Are you okay?” asks Kristen coming over from the living room. “Yes” I manage to mutter before coughing again.


I slowly stumble out of bed.


“Oh no ya don’t” says Kristen pushing me lightly onto to my bed. “You need rest”. “Fine” I say.


“Here” she says coming back with a glass of water. Kristen even sets up my laptop and put’s my favorite movie inΒ Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix.DSC01734

Finally, I fall into a restless sleep.


Kristen comes back. “Emily” she says. “I think you may have bronchitis.”


*Stay tuned for Part 2 *

Bye thanks for reading!


Geeky_Girl ❀


9 thoughts on “Sick in Bed *Part 1*

  1. Oh no!:( Although reading in bed sounds super fun, too bad Emily is sick!:( I can’t wait for the next part.:)


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